Aisling Patton
Speech and Language Therapist
Aisling graduated from a Bachelor of Speech Pathology at Flinders University in Adelaide Australia in 2015. Since graduating, Aisling has worked across a variety of settings in both Australia and the UK including both the private and public sectors working across the ages with caseloads including both paediatrics and adults.
She has gained experience working with a wide array of speech, language and dysphagia needs including speech and language delay, speech sound disorders, neurodevelopmental conditions, swallowing difficulties, social communication difficulties, neurodegenerative conditions (such as Parkinson’s Disorder and Alzeheimers), and traumatic brain injuries.
Aisling aims for her therapy to be functional and meaningful by ensuring both client and family are involved in goal setting early on to ensure a collaborative approach to therapy.
What do you do to switch off from work?
When not working I love hiking or camping on the weekends, as well as wild swimming, long walks by the ocean and yoga.
Tell us something that none of your colleagues know about you?
I’m afraid of the dark!
What would be your last supper?
Dream holiday destination?
What did you want to be growing up?
A postman (woman)
Best thing about your job?
Helping to make a difference to the lives of the people we work with.