Lauren Meehan

Speech and Language Therapist Assistant

Lauren has been with The Muir Practice since 2021 and is a Speech and Language Therapy Assistant, which involves supporting the wider team in all aspects of the administration of the clinic to ensure things runs smoothly and your experience is flawless. She will be your first point of contact and will arrange assessment appointments, maintains the waiting list, and helps to update our website and social media platforms.

Having worked in administration and managerial roles for a variety of different sectors, including charitable organisations and art organisations, she brings with her a wealth of experience from out with the health sector. Lauren also studied philosophy at The University of Edinburgh and as a highly organised person with an eye for detail she is also able to see the bigger picture, which she believes is her greatest contribution to the practice.

What do you do to switch off from work? 
I listen to music and podcasts and run around after my kids!

Tell us something that none of your colleagues know about you?
I learned to scuba dive on a little island called Roatán, off the north coast of Honduras.

What would be your last supper?
If I can pick the setting too, I'd go for very fresh, crispy fish and chips eaten on the beach, looking out to the sea.

What did you want to be growing up?
An artist

Best thing about your job?
The people I work with, they have such a passion for what they do which I find very inspiring.